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1. Read the given sentence.
2. Read all the words given.
3. Click the pronoun that best fits the sentence.
Example: This is a tree.
Method: Figure out which word is a common name given to a person, place or thing and select it.
Answer: The noun in the above sentence is 'tree'. Therefore, the answer is 'tree'.
Example: John wrote it himself.
Method: Figure out which word is referring back to the noun and select it.
Answer: In the above sentence the word 'himself' is referring the noun 'John'. Therefore, the answer is 'himself'.
Example: This is a book.
Method: The words 'a', 'an' and 'the' are articles. Find the article and select it.
Answer: In the above sentence the article 'a' is used. Therefore, the answer is 'a'.
Example: a small cabin for a dog.
1. Read the given sentence.
2. Read all the words given.
3. Click the pronoun that best fits the sentence.
Example: I want to eat something.
Method: Figure out which word is telling us about something that is not definite, specific or exact and select it.
Answer: The word 'something' in the above sentence is taking the place of a thing but it is not specific. Therefore, the answer is 'something'.
1. Read the given sentence.
2. Read all the words given.
3. Click the pronoun that best fits the sentence.
Example: This is a box.
Method: Figure out which word is the name of a person, place or thing and select it.
Answer: The noun in the above sentence is 'box'. Therefore, the answer is 'box'.
Example: This is John.
Method: Figure out which word is the name of a particular person, place or thing and select it.
Answer: John. John is the name of a particular person. Therefore, it is a proper noun.
1. Read the given sentence.
2. Read the instruction below it to see what tense the sentence should be in.
3. Click the verb that best fits the sentence.
Example: She is in my team.
Method: Figure out which word is a name given to a group of people, places or things and select it.
Answer: The noun in the above sentence is 'team'. Therefore, the answer is 'team'.