Printable Worksheets
Popular Worksheets
1. Read the given sentence.
2. Read all the words given.
3. Click the pronoun that best fits the sentence.
1. Read the given question.
2. Decide what type of a noun is the given word.
3. Click the correct noun form.
Example: He told the truth.
Method: Figure out the noun which is a quality that you can only think and feel about. Then, select it.
Answer: The noun in the above sentence is 'truth'. Therefore, the answer is 'truth'.
Example: I like Weird Al. He has a pleasant voice.
I like Weird Al as he acts crazy.
Weird Al has a pleasant voice and I like him.
I like Weird Al as long as he has a pleasant voice.
Example: load
Answer: re + load = reload
1. Read the given sentence.
2. Read all the words given.
3. Click the pronoun that best fits the sentence.
Example: You can play after you eat.
Method: Find the word that joins the independent clause with the dependent clause.
Answer: In the above sentence, the word 'after' is joining the independent clause "you can play" with the dependent clause "after you eat". Therefore, the answer is 'after'.
Example: This is a book.
Method: Figure out the noun that can be touched, heard, seen, smelled or tasted and select it.
Answer: The noun in the above sentence is 'book'. Therefore, the answer is 'book'.
Example: She came after him.
Method: Find the word that relates the noun to an other word.
Answer: In the above sentence, the word 'after' tells us the relationship between 'She' and 'him'. Therefore, the answer is 'after'.
Example: I want to eat something.
Method: Figure out which word is telling us about something that is not definite, specific or exact and select it.
Answer: The word 'something' in the above sentence is taking the place of a thing but it is not specific. Therefore, the answer is 'something'.
Example: I ____ apple.
In the above sentence, the subject is "I" and it is singular. Therefore, the verb that goes with it must also be singular. Hence, "like" is the answer.