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1. Read the given sentence.
2. Click the verb that best fits sentence.
1. Read the given sentence.
2. Click the correct form of the possessive noun that best fits the sentence.
Example: I have _____________. (the pen that belongs to Sammy)
Answer: Sammy’s pen
Example: This is a box.
Method: Figure out which word is the name of a person, place or thing and select it.
Answer: The noun in the above sentence is 'box'. Therefore, the answer is 'box'.
Julia will sing by herself.
Example: This is John.
Method: Figure out which word is the name of a particular person, place or thing and select it.
Answer: John. John is the name of a particular person. Therefore, it is a proper noun.
1. Read the given sentence.
2. Read all the words given.
3. Click the pronoun that best fits the sentence.
Example: to pay in advance
Example: This is John.
Method: Figure out which word is the name of a particular person, place or thing and select it.
Answer: John. John is the name of a particular person. Therefore, it is a proper noun.
Example: She is in my team.
Method: Figure out which word is a name given to a group of people, places or things and select it.
Answer: The noun in the above sentence is 'team'. Therefore, the answer is 'team'.
Example: There are two bananas and an apple.
Method: Singular means one. Select the noun which is only one in quantity.
Answer: In the above sentence, bananas and apple are nouns but there is only one apple. Therefore, the answer is 'apple'.
Instructions:   1. Read the given sentence.   2. Check the underlined word to see if it is describing a noun or a pronoun.   3. If so, click TRUE; otherwise click FALSE.
Example: The lovely girl sang sweetly.
Method: Check if the underlined word is describing the noun. If so, click TRUE; otherwise click FALSE.
Answer: In the above sentence, the word 'sweetly' is describing the verb 'sang'. Therefore, the answer is 'FALSE'.