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1. Read all the given words.
2. Click the correct plural word.
Example: I am reading.
Method: Find the verb phrase, then figure out the action word. Select the word in the verb phrase used before the action word.
Answer: The verb in the above sentence is 'reading' and 'am' is the helping verb. Therefore, the answer is 'am'.
1. Read the given sentences.
2. Pick the sentence that is telling us about the future.
1. Read the given sentences.
2. Pick the sentence that is telling us about the present.
Example: He
a dog.
He's a dog.
Example: This is a box.
Method: Figure out which word is the name of a person, place or thing and select it.
Answer: The noun in the above sentence is 'box'. Therefore, the answer is 'box'.
1. Read the given sentences.
2. Pick the sentence that is telling us about the past.
Instructions:   1. Read the given sentence.   2. Check the punctuation mark used at the end of the sentence.   3. If it is correct punctuation mark is used, choose right; otherwise choose wrong.
Example: How are you.
Answer: wrong
Note: The above sentence is a question. So, "?" is the end mark that should be used.
Example: What is the past tense of stand?
Your Answer: