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Example: She walked slowly.
Method: Find the action word and select the word that is describing the action.
Answer: The action word is 'walked' and the word describing it is 'slowly'. Therefore, the answer is 'slowly'.
Example: We live in bangalore.
Answer:We live in
Example: I am reading.
Method: Find the verb phrase, then figure out the action word. Select the word in the verb phrase used before the action word.
Answer: The verb in the above sentence is 'reading' and 'am' is the helping verb. Therefore, the answer is 'am'.
1. Click a card.
2. Read the word.
3. Find a other word to join by clicking an other card.
4. Continue until all cards are flipped.
1. Read the given sentence.
2. Click the verb that best fits sentence.
1. Read the given word.
2. Drag and drop the word into the correct category.
Example: She sang a song.
Method: Figure out and select the action word in the sentence.
Answer: The action word in the above sentence is 'sang'. Therefore, the answer is 'sang'.