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Example: She is in my team.
Method: Figure out which word is a name given to a group of people, places or things and select it.
Answer: The noun in the above sentence is 'team'. Therefore, the answer is 'team'.
The girl likes apple.
The girls like apple.
Example: There are four chairs.
Method: Figure out the noun which can be counted and select it.
Answer: In the above sentence, the noun 'chairs' can be counted. Therefore, the answer is 'chairs'.
Example: cat
Instructions:   1. Read the given sentence.   2. Check the punctuation mark used at the end of the sentence.   3. If it is correct punctuation mark is used, choose right; otherwise choose wrong.
Example: How are you.
Answer: wrong
Note: The above sentence is a question. So, "?" is the end mark that should be used.
1. Read the given sentence.
2. Read all the words given.
3. Click the pronoun that best fits the sentence.
Example: He told the truth.
Method: Figure out the noun which is a quality that you can only think and feel about. Then, select it.
Answer: The noun in the above sentence is 'truth'. Therefore, the answer is 'truth'.
Example: I am reading.
Method: Find the verb phrase, then figure out the action word. Select the word in the verb phrase used before the action word.
Answer: The verb in the above sentence is 'reading' and 'am' is the helping verb. Therefore, the answer is 'am'.
Example: to pay in advance