Example: She walked slowly. Method: Find the action word and select the word that is describing the action. Answer: The action word is 'walked' and the word describing it is 'slowly'. Therefore, the answer is 'slowly'.
Example: She plays piano.
Instructions: 1. Read the given word. 2. Drag and drop the word into the correct category.
Sia, Mia, and Dia went to the Market.
Sia, Mia, and Dia went to the market.
Sia, mia and dia went to the market.
Instructions: 1. Read the given sentence. 2. Read all the words given. 3. Click the pronoun that best fits the sentence.
Example: This is a blue box. Method: Find the noun, then select the word that is describing the noun. Answer: The noun in the above sentence is 'box' and the word describing it is 'blue'. Therefore, the answer is 'blue'.